ࡱ> DFC /bjbjVV 4@<<&,hh8,#f??UUU000VXXXXXX$= "f|00000|UU0BUUV0VU`5srB0E#E#E#0000000||0000000E#000000000h q: 鶹ý Council on General Education Meeting Minutes, 22 September 2011 Elected Members Present: Patrick McGinty (Soc/Anthro, Chair), Diana Allen (English/Journalism), Esteban Araya (Physics), Cheryl Bailey (Communication), Jongnam Choi (Geography), Keith Holz (Art), Zee Mutairi (SGA), Cynthia Struthers (IIRA), Pengqian Wang (Physics), Dean Zoerink (RPTA), Ginny Boynton (History, Secretary) Ex-officio Member Present: Nancy Parsons (Provosts Office) Elected Members Excused: Andrea Hyde (EIS), Jess White (Soc/Anthro, Vice Chair) Ex-officio Members Not Present: Candace McLaughlin (Advisors Council), Russ Morgan (Deans Council) CGE Chair Patrick McGinty called Councils meeting to order at 3:30 p.m. in 60 Horrabin Hall on the Macomb campus. Minutes, Announcements, Reports Dean Zoerink moved approval of the September 8 Minutes; Diana Allen seconded the motion. The Minutes were unanimously approved as written. Dr. McGinty announced that both Jess White and Andrea Hyde had professional conference obligations that prevented them from attending the meeting; due to the absence of Dr. Hyde, the Council would not need its usual video-conference connection to the Quad Cities campus for this meeting. At the request of Jongnam Choi, the matter of transfer articulation of General Education courses from universities outside the United States was added to the days Agenda under New Business. Dr. McGinty reminded Council members that Gen Ed Assessment Reports on all sections of all Spring and Summer 2011 General Education classes were due to Interim Associate Provost Nancy Parsons no later than Friday, October 7. The Chairperson asked that CGE members each remind their respective constituencies of that deadline. Dr. Parsons reported that she now has the Gen Ed Assessment Plans for the General Education courses. Old Business: Transfer Articulation Subcommittees The Council discussed Dr. McGintys proposal (circulated earlier) regarding membership on and duties of the various Transfer Articulation Subcommittees of CGE that were approved in principle at CGEs September 8 meeting. The Council had no objections to the proposal and approved it as written. The Chairperson will obtain any additional materials that subcommittees need in order to make decisions, and will maintain an electronic archive of the various subcommittees decisions. CGE members agreed that if a subcommittee turns down a transfer articulation request for Gen Ed credit, the subcommittee will provide its rationale to Dr. McGinty so that he can communicate that rationale to the Transfer Admissions office. The Council then discussed the problems that arise in articulating transfer courses submitted for General Education credit when 鶹ý does not have a parallel department (e.g., American Studies) or a similar course in the General Education curriculum. Dr. McGinty pointed out that some courses meet the spirit of our General Education expectations without being identical to courses that we offer. Dr. Parsons clarified for the Council that such courses may be approved for Gen Ed credit even if they are not approved for disciplinary credit by a department chair. Former Chairperson Cynthia Struthers offered to circulate to CGE members the web site URL for the Illinois Articulation Initiative (IAI) web site, as that includes additional information on courses approved by the IAI for General Education credit elsewhere in the state. New Business: HLC Report Chairperson McGinty had previously circulated copies of the portion of the recent Higher Learning Commission (HLC) Report that pertained to General Education and Assessment. He called the Councils attention to page 17 of that report, which states that Organizational attention is required to conduct meaningful assessment of student learning outcomes for general education. The HLC Report acknowledged that CGE and others at 鶹ý recognize that the future is in using assessment results to effect change at course, program, department, college, and institutional levels, but stressed that Because general education impacts every student and provides a foundation for advanced undergraduate, graduate, and professional coursework, continued institutional attention to this area is important. The HLC report concluded that 鶹ý faculty, staff, and administrators are appropriately aware of and focused on this challenge. Dr. McGinty called for the Council to consider the need to tighten the linkages between CGE and departments offering Gen Ed courses that were discussed at CGEs previous meeting. Assoc. Provost Parsons urged CGE to analyze overall trends and to encourage departments to examine trends within their own departments Gen Ed offerings, to determine if other ways might be needed to instruct students or to assess students learning, in order to better achieve the universitys General Education goals. In addition, she asked that departments be reminded to submit to CGE any changes that they may make to their Gen Ed Assessment Plans as a result of their analysis of the data. The Council discussed a variety of options for encouraging departments to use assessment data as a basis for curricular review, including letters from CGE to department chairs, incorporating more attention to Gen Ed and assessment into New Faculty Orientation, contacting Deans, contacting the Gen Ed Assessment Coordinator in each department, and writing directly to the faculty who teach Gen Ed courses. The latter suggestion brought up the difficulty of identifying the shifting population of permanent and temporary adjunct faculty who teach General Education classes each semester, which came to light when Dr. Struthers, on behalf of CGE, wrote to Gen Ed faculty this Fall about the requirement for writing assignments in all Gen Ed courses. The Council concluded that the most effective and efficient method would be to write to Department Chairs and request that they share the letter with all faculty members in their department assigned to teach General Education courses. The goals are to ensure that all new and adjunct faculty, as well as continuing faculty, are familiar with their departments General Education Assessment Plans (including both the goals and the assessment instruments), and to ensure that assessment data is collected in every section of every Gen Ed course every semester (Fall, Spring, and Summer) every year. In addition, the letter will remind department chairs that assessment data should be reviewed regularly for trends, and that as Assessment Plans change as a result of their data analysis, CGE must be notified of and approve the modified Assessment Plans. The letter will also include the relevant language on page 17 of the HLC Report concerning the need to use assessment results to effect curricular change. Dr. McGinty will bring to the next meeting a draft of a letter to chairs for them to share with their faculty. Dr. Parsons asked if it would make more sense for departments to submit an annual, rather than semi-annual, Gen Ed Assessment Report. Faculty members would continue to submit their data each semester to their Assessment Coordinator, but that person would only submit the data to the Associate Provost and CGE once a year, in the Fall. The Council did not reach a conclusion about the efficacy of this change. Ginny Boynton pointed out the section on page 16 of the HLC Report that states that although Discussions with faculty members . . . reflected an institutional focus on helping students learn to write clearly and effectively, the HLC team believed that 鶹ý faculty may benefit from a broader campus conversation to develop consensus on effective pedagogies in the area of writing in an effort to help students to struggle to write well. She felt that since writing is a core component of 鶹ýs General Education curriculum, it would be appropriate for CGE to take a leading role in stimulating this broader campus conversation on writing pedagogies that the HLC team recommended. Dr. Struthers suggested that CGE could do this in part by coordinating with CITR on developing, leading, publicizing, and participating in CITR faculty workshops on writing instruction. Because the HLC team met with members of the former General Education Review Committee (GERC) as well as members of CGE when it visited campus, Dr. McGinty will invite either Aimee Shouse (former GERC Chair) or Lori Baker-Sperry (former CGE Chair) to attend CGEs next meeting to further discuss the HLC recommendations concerning General Education. New Business: Articulation of Gen Ed Courses from Overseas Jongnam Choi asked about the process for articulating General Education courses taken at universities outside the United States. He reported that he had been told by Rick Carter, Director of Distance Learning, International Studies, & Outreach, that such courses are articulated by the Center for International Studies (CIS). Dr. Choi asked why CIS was evaluating courses for General Education credit, when that fell within the purview and expertise of CGE. Keith Holz pointed out that in some cases a universitys entire curriculum has been reviewed and approved for transfer credit to 鶹ý, rather than individual courses or students. Dr. Holz said this was particularly likely to happen when large numbers of students are transferring from that institution to 鶹ý. Dean Zoerink suggested inviting a representative from CIS to come to a CGE meeting to discuss the process by which Gen Ed credit is awarded to international courses, and in particular, what the role of CGE is and should be, in that process. Dr. McGinty agreed to follow up with CIS on Dr. Zoerinks suggestion. The business of Council being concluded, CGE adjourned at 5:00 p.m. The Council will meet next on Thursday, October 6, 2011. 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